1 2 3 Action 9/5/2008

I love movies... not only that I do love to be in the director's seat one day. Honestly, why wait until so long...I can just direct now. let me see ,have u watch the story " Braveheart" starring Mel Gibson as William Wallace. If I could direct such an epic movie like this my theme would be " A Fictional Malaysian Theme". The story goes........

The Malay Galaxy around in the year 3090 was clouded with political uncertainty. Many warlords wanted to control each other. Among them was a planet called Harimaugajah which was ruled by a Jungkara - the king of the universe. Jungkara was ruthless,unsympathetic and evil.

A small little planet called AmanDamai(AD) about 1000 light years from Harimaugajah did not submit to the demands of Jungkara. The despot Jungkara called upon his massive army across the universe to siege battle on AmanDamai.

AmanDamai(AD) was a democratic mornach country ruled peacefully by Raja CahayaMatahari(RCM). RCM seeks peace and does not want to engage a war with Jungkara. Jungkara's massive fleet of ship,spacefighters and Gigantic warplanes have landed outside the outer ring of AD. They fired their missles at cities across AD.

The council of AD and RCM could not bare to tolerate anymore.. They formed an alliance with the rebels and freedom fighters from the "forgotten universe" . The alliance was led by RCM.

After months for fighting ..finally Jungkara won the battle. RCM was caught and to be prosecuted in front of the citizens of the universe.
Jungkara gave RCM an option ; submit to him and he shall spare RCM's life. RCM replied " I am not afraid of death as my death will be the beginning of your downfall. People will remember that a small planet stood against the wrath of an evil tyrant."

Jungkara felt disgusted at the comment and ordered his bounty hunter to kill RCM.

Months after the death of RCM, inspired by RCM's death the alliance and its new leader Raja Kuala Kangsar assemble the largest rebel army the universe has ever seen.. They fought a second battle against Jungkara , at the end they won. People of the universe was finally freed. Everyone lived happily ever after.

Word Association 9/4/2008

Monday was an exciting day . I do recall some fond memories even though it was just yesterday. But that day marked an important mile stone in my life and goals which I think I will not elaborate.

However, I will elaborate on the "word association" activity I had with my bunch of buddies.

We started with the word "key" and surprisingly the word "restaurant" was our last word. Talk about creativity!!!!!!
Why the word "Key". Maybe it was because we thought we hold the key for the future of mankind. Who knows?

Key-->Door-->Alarm-->Ringing-->Close the door-->Noisy-->Loud-->Speaker-->Computer-->
King Of Fighter(A computer game)-->Keyboard-->
Cyberjaya-->Street Mall

Many thanks to those friends involve Hua,Wei Lon, Jerry, Jun Wui, Edward and Adrian. Without you guys , our little gathering would not have happened.

The cat calling the cattle black. 9/3/2008

It is common when we say or label someone because of some mistake,we are actually committing the same offense as well. Today I had a conversation with my mum about the things or stuff she wanted me to do. After checking through the list, I notice I forgot to buy the eggs she wanted. My mum when on saying I am a forgetful person. It reminded me just a few days ago it was my mum who forgot to buy the eggs when she was at the mall. Look who is talking?????

This is a known as tu quorque . It involves the speaker making a claim pointing out someone's fault which he/she is also having.

Moving out? 9/2/2008

Today I had a conversation with one of my friend about the benefits staying in the hostel. It turned out to be a epic battle about the whose belief is right - staying at hostel or rent a private room. He said" all our friends are staying in an apartment ,therefore I should not stay in the hostel."

My friend was clearly using peer pressure to persuade me to stay in an apartment. This is called ad populum appeal to common practice. He is pressuring me to agree with him by using ad populum appeal to common practice.

One common goal. 9/3/2008

Hello, it was a holiday on Monday for all malaysians as Merdeka Day was on Sunday. I was reading some articles when one of my friend Wei Lon knocked on the door and suggested we do some brainstorming activity. He invited Adrian,Jun Wooi,Jerry,Hua,Edward to join in the fun as well.

The topic was " How to improve hostel facilities?"
The facilitator was Wei Lon and I (Calvin) was the note taker. Wei Lon briefed us on the rules:
1. Generate As Many Solution As Possible
2. Wild Ideas Are Encouraged
3. No Criticism Is Allowed , Judgment Is Deferred Later.

After 5 minutes here are the results:

  • Free swimming pool

  • Bigger room with air conditional

  • New nice looking hostel

  • New foodcourt with chinese food

  • Unblocked pork

  • Game park/server

  • Provide single room

  • Cheap rental

  • Room should be repainted

  • Better Fan

  • Cleaner Toilet

  • Automatic washing system for toilet bowl

  • Double bed

  • Washing machine

  • Escalator

  • Lift

  • Room service

  • Fridge

  • Oven

  • Stove

  • Allow girl visitor

  • Underground car park

  • Cyber Cafe

  • Lend every student one car

  • More parking lot

  • Movie theatre with plasma/LCD television

  • Nearby clinic

  • Food delivery

  • No staying limitation

  • Larger mini market

  • Centralised the food court

  • Price of food controlled

  • Take down cockroaches

  • Cleaner food court

  • Better chairs and tables

  • Move hypermarket such as Tesco, Alamanda, Mid-Valley near to MMU

  • Move fast food restaurants come nearby MMU such as KFC and Mcdonald

  • Mobile stalls

  • Pool Bar

  • KBox karaoke

  • Disco

  • Spa

  • Salon

  • Better Gym

  • Better TV room

I think some of the solutions to improve are relevant and should be viewed seriously by the Student Affairs.There are some ideas that I think should be taken seriously.

For me the solutions are

  • New nice looking hostel

  • New foodcourt with chinese food

  • Unblocked pork

  • Game park/server

  • Provide single room

  • Cheap rental

  • Room should be repainted

  • Better Fan

  • Cleaner Toilet

  • Washing machine

  • Room service

  • Fridge

  • Oven

  • Stove

  • Nearby clinic

  • Food delivery

  • No staying limitation

  • Larger mini market

  • Centralised the food court

  • Price of food controlled

  • Take down cockroaches

  • Cleaner food court

  • Better chairs and tables

  • Spa

  • Salon

  • Better Gym

  • Better TV room

Breaking World Records 9/1/2008

Anyone followed the Beijing Olympics recently held in China? I certainly did , not only that , the swimming competition really was a blast. Micheal Phelps created history by winning 8 gold and breaking 7 world records. A lot has to be a said about the swimsuits these swimmers are wearing. Speedo has combined nature and human into one with their FASTSKIN FS PRO. Speedo continually push the boundaries of sport science and technological innovation to create leading edge swimwear and equipment. Researchers studied how sharks swim and use sophisticated computer program to study waterflow around swimmer's body.
The result was the invention of Fastskin,ribbed synthetic material that cuts water resistance by mimicking a shark's scales.


Food Argument 31/8/2008

I think it is common when it comes to lunch and dinner time we have this question" where to eat? the common reply " where you want to go?" . The food debate goes on and on until a place is decide. Well I said lets go to the Indian Restaurant. One friend did not agree to go and he said " What the indian restaurant, are you crazy? That cook is so unhygienic , he scratches his leg before cooking, uses his unclean hand to cook, after eating you will feel sick,people will start to think your dirty because you eat dirty food, you will feel not confident with yourself, when your morale is low,you will feel sad,your sadness will cause you to be unwanted? Do want that to happen to you"?

What fallacy is this? If you say ad populum appeal to indirect consequences.
Congratulations. This is the use of indirect consequences by the speaker to persuade the listeners to agree with him/her.